Standing Apart by Prioritizing Customer Experience with Kish Melwani of ServiceByte

Kish Melwani is CEO of ServiceByte, a NY-based IT services company supporting businesses and homes with computer, network security and cloud support.

In this episode of Let's Talk Limbic Sparks, Kish reveals how a love for helping people and a values-based company culture leads to brand-differentiating customer experiences. He shares details about becoming an entrepreneur to solve typical IT support customer frustrations, and how his people make all the difference to create brand desire.

Kish also shares how a recent brand evolution led to greater insight on why his customers remain loyal, how that insight informs brand language and marketing to attract others who are seeking the same benefits, and why it's more powerful to convey emotional benefits rather than focusing on specific services and features.

Key Takeaways and Soundbites:

“Regardless of whether we're trying to solve a computer problem or save a business from a disaster, we are helping people, and that's what we love to do.”

“I think what you say matters.”

“The team is everything. I firmly believe that in any service-based business, the people are the driving factors for everything.”

“People that are happy, and like doing what they're doing, are going to do a great job.”

“For us, it's all about experience. We want to improve the customer experience, from on-boarding, to support, to projects, even off-boarding - make it as easy as possible.”

“Benefits are what you should be talking about, not features... companies don't know the power of the work you can put into the emotional experience when it comes to their brand.”

“There are some businesses that, I'm sure all of us can agree, could do better and they may not know that they can do better. So why not work on that brand? Why not at least know where you can do better?”


Here are some fun facts about Kish…

Kish Melwani is CEO at ServiceByte, providing IT services remotely and on-site to New York homes and businesses. He and his team specialize in computer support, security, networking and cloud services. Kish has over 20 years of Information Technology experience, and founded ServiceByte in 2010. He is also a 10+ year Board Member of the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce.

How your brand makes people feel has the most impact on future business.
— Kevin
It’s all about experience.
— Kish

Kish is Sparking Brand Desire with Emotional Insight.

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