Brand as Experience, Simplifying the Complex, and the Next Frontier with Kevin Perlmutter

Brand as Experience, Simplifying the Complex, and the Next Frontier with Kevin Perlmutter

"The the curiosity that I bring, and the questions that I have, are going to get to the things that matter most to the people who my clients are trying to reach."

This was such a fun discussion. We talk about how deep curiosity, simplifying complexity and focusing on what people care most about is the next frontier for brand leaders.

  • We start with how simplifying complexity helps brand focus to improve customer experiences.

  • We go deep into how to use curiosity to uncover what people care most about, so that brands can go beyond making cursory ad promises, and actually deliver desirable experiences.

  • We talk about how our instinctive emotional responses to brand experiences influence our feelings and behavior.

  • We discuss how companies that create relevant experiences, based on emotional insight, are more successful at sparking brand desire

We talk about Kevin’s background in customer experience, music and sound, and neuroscience- based research — all influences that led him to focus on brand strategy and experience design, through the lens of how a brand wants people to feel.

Kevin explains how he goes about helping his clients create Limbic Sparks® - the moment when emotional motivation meets brand desire.

We wrap with how to maintain work-life balance as a small business owner.

To learn more about the host of this podcast, Catherine Avery:

Productivity by Design

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