Why Connection is So Important Right Now…

Why Connection is So Important Right Now | Limbic Brand Evolution | Kevin Perlmutter

I’ve found that staying connected makes all the difference, in this time of self-isolation and social distancing.

The biggest smile I have each day is at 2:00, when my amazing wife has a zoom ‘meeting’ with her class of 24 3rd graders. These kids are too young to fully understand why they're not in school and on zoom. It’s so moving to see them all on the screen, so happy to see each other and to be sharing what they are working on.

Another favorite is Saturday Family Dinner. My extended family loves getting together for occasions and vacations. Now we're together from 8 locations each Saturday for dinner.

Every day, I'm energized by staying connected to my network of friends in business. People whose relationships I value, so much. We're all managing changes and challenges in our careers and businesses. I’ve found these connections to be both calming and motivating. We realize that we’re not alone, and we inspire each other on ways to keep moving forward.

I'm finding this time to be a big reminder of how important it is to stay connected. I encourage you to reach out to people who you care about. You’ll find you’re not alone, and you’ll be so happy that you did.

This post is part of a series of thoughts during the Coronavirus Pandemic. At this point, the economy is still on hold as everyone is sheltering in place and non-essential businesses are closed.

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